Monday, August 11, 2008

Lose Weight the Jon Lovitz Way

On the finale of Last Comic Standing, comedian Jon Lovitz explained, “I discovered the secret to losing weight…As you all know, muscle weighs more than fat. So if you really want to lose weight, you really have to get rid of all that muscle.”

I think I’ve been on that plan lately. With both kids in preschool for the past three weeks, my body is changing. Where I used to be constantly on my feet, wiping bottoms, cleaning up spills, and running after bikes during the morning, I’m now happily seated, sedentary, rarely moving, in front of the computer, writing.

I’m loving my time, don’t get me wrong, but my butt seems to be enjoying it as well seeing as it has grown a bit. I haven’t gained weight, but my pants don’t fit anymore (except for stretchy yoga pants thankfully.)

And no, I’m not pregnant.

I’m happy with my body as-is, but would like to be able to wear my non-sweat pants again. So I went for a run/walk today. It felt good to exercise again. And I’m going to yoga when I can.

Of course, my nightly Häagen-Dazs habit doesn’t help. But a girl has to have at least one vice in her life.

What is your exercise routine? (or) What’s your vice?


Cathy Burke said...

I was in the best shape ever between kids and right after my second one was born. The secret is containing them because once they could move on their own the only thing that got exercise was my patience. Meaning one would lag behind and one would lunge ahead and I would contemplate which one I would rush to save first.

It sucks that metabolism slows down and it is hard enough to maintain much less firm up but hang in there. 20 minute walks once a day and yoga a few times a week will do it. And yeah, chasing those kids is a workout. My advice on the ice cream is use teacups and not just a spoon and a pint : )

Kristy Lund said...

Thanks Cathy! I love the idea of eating out of a teacup. I have some special ones I never use.

You should write a piece about trying to figure out which child to save as you are stuck in the middle!

Melissa Hereford said...

Kristy, I love your blog! Sorry it took me so long to get here, I have not been ABLE to be a good friend lately. You ROCK!!! I like your writing.

sarah said...

oooh, I'm right there with you with the HD--my current fave is dulce de leche. It's a lighter one, which I typically avoid, but you can't even tell! (brought to you by your favorite sugar dealer).